If you are trying to connect to a mailbox hosted on your domain using a mailclient, you will need to use the following settings:

Secure SSL/TLS Settings(Recommended)

Username: username@yourdomain.com.au

Password: Use the email account’s password.

Incoming Server: mail.yourdomain.com

IMAP Port: 993

POP3 Port: 995

Outgoing Server: mail.yourdomain.com

SMTP Port: 465


Authentication is required for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.


Non-SSL Settings (This is NOT recommended.)

Username: username@yourdomain.com

Password: Use the email account’s password.

Incoming Server: mail.yourdomain.com

IMAP Port: 143


POP3 Port: 110

Outgoing Server: mail.yourdomain.com

 SMTP Port: 25

Authentication is required for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.

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